This is a long, shroud-like piece that is done, and is supposed to be a self-portrait of sorts. I got my machine back from the service center, and decided to stitch small, 2" to 3" or so, free-motioning, consisting of ideas of what I like, and what I see in front of me. Much hand stitching and embelishing followed, as well..
I then cut them all apart and appliqued them, grid-like to the banner, which is 7' long! An extremely fun and satisfying project.. more pix soon..
Lovely layers of different fabrics.
look forward to seeing the rest.x
loved enlarging these images to look at things more closely. Am just catching up on some blog visits and want to thank you for the recent encouraging comment you left on mine concerning tripods, etc.
Can't wait! Awesome!
Hi Thats looking good. Small is beautiful!
And thank you so much for your comment on Top blogs. I think I'm up there becasue I put a link in the text on my blog. I'm sure its just a passing phase!
so many different layers..tks for taking us along the trip :D
Found you on flickr - so glad I did! Loved reading your blog, and your work is great! So many layers...
Found you as a co-collaborator at Judes... loved looking at all that you have going on, love the CQR you've got going on.
I love the free motion sewing!
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