Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Sorting new work

Sorting through some pictures. Here is batch of work from last year. Really enjoyed combining the paint, ink and fiber together.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012


LazarusII by Lorie McCown
LazarusII, a photo by Lorie McCown on Flickr.

Accepted into CIVA's "Touch, Heal, Anoint" traveling exhibit.

Monday, September 10, 2012

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Summer passes

The end of a long, long summer for me. So many things that I would like to say farewell to. I can only hope the fall brings peace and grace. I'm hanging on. Putting my fire dress on and hanging on. Art heals. Books heal. God keeps his promises.

I can not control the choices others make, even my family members. I can only pray, and go on... in a blue moon, and the end of the summer of trials.

If I can perfect my faith
Thy Grace is sure to come.
The more I give to Thee
The more I absorb Thy Balm
That heals my bosom’s pangs.
Without Thy Love supreme,
Nothingness all I am?
A dark and barren dream.